Monday, January 22, 2007

got to be real

oh the irony of life, sometimes it really does just grab you by the bollocks and twist them hard.

thought i'd grab your attention with my first post of 2007.

relationships are strange unfathomable things. why do we gravitate towards some people immediately and with others you fight a losing battle? what is the point of unrequited love and friendship - what makes us like somebody that clearly isnt going to reciprocate? im not talking just in romance, im talking failed friendships and family. why is it that the one relationship you would give anything to make work is always going to be impossible? is it the impossibility that makes us want it even more?

i speak of my ... well, all of my family really. i crave them and hate them in equal measures, all for different reasons. i have the worlds best surrogate family but there will always be a part of me that just wants to be loved by the people who are supposed to love you the most. and thats why lost love always gets to me. and being the sort of person that runs from romantic love myself, well thats a bit of a bastard.

but what else was i going to talk about. oh yes, idiots that profess to be your friends and then they meet somebody else and suddenly you dont matter. that pisses me off and its why i dislike many people, friendship is for life, not just for when your bed is empty. even if your in a bona fide relationship, you shouldnt forget the ones who have been there for you in the past. i hope i never do.

rant over.

1 comment:

Chica said...

Is this the longest post you've ever written?

You will always matter more to me than any man candy!!

Waff ooooooh x